
As I try to sleep in the comforts of the airconditioner I reminiscence the good old days,
Days when the sultry summer nights would be so different.
Our villa like house on the foothills of the great Nilachal was very spacious and had ample fruit bearing trees along with different varients of the hibiscus- a typical Bengali household who worships Goddess Kali. 
The darkness on a night when electricity would be gone for hours and we would be sitting outside our houses. 
Me scared to hell of ghosts, leopards or snakes venturing in the darkness..
Would always carry the biggest torchlight and a stick.
I remember how all four of us - My parents and my brother including me would watch the fireflies and listen to the sounds of some wild insects. 
Dad and Mom would share stories of their childhood, of our grandparents, their hardwork and struggles, of the Indo- China war when they were kids. The Assam Agitation, the struggle and success stories of their job hunts and so more.
Mom would be carrying a fan made of palm leaves and keep on fanning in order to shoo away mosquitoes.
How on such summer nights we would stare at the dark sky and see the twinkling stars winking at me. I always loved sky gazing, be it daytime or at night.
I wish I could be a child again! 
I wish those wonderful carefree days come back.
But Alas! Nothing remains constant. Change is the only Constant!! 


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