The unfathomable has happened! Though civilization has progressed to reach the Mars and Jupiter, yet a virus hardly seen with bare eyes being microscopic in nature is making the world dance to its tunes. COVID 19 or Corona has changed trajectories and has been the trouble maker in people's lives. Stress is one of those troubles that people are undergoing these days, thanks to COVID 19. Though work or family related stress in one's life was always there yet there has been a new addition. Stress due to the build up of fear psychosis of being infected with the deadly virus, bedridden due to medical complications after coming in contact with the virus or the fear of untimely death. What is Stress? The dictionary meaning of ' STRESS' is worry and pressure that is caused by having too much to deal with. Medically stress is the psychological condition when our body gives undue attention to a certain situation in our lives. Stress and COVID19 Stress and COVID19 unfortunately ...