The unfathomable has happened! Though civilization has progressed to reach the Mars and Jupiter, yet a virus hardly seen with bare eyes being microscopic in nature is making the world dance to its tunes. COVID 19 or Corona has changed trajectories and has been the trouble maker in people's lives. 

Stress is one of those troubles that people are undergoing these days, thanks to COVID 19. Though work or family related stress in one's life was always there yet there has been a new addition. Stress due to the build up of fear psychosis of being infected with the deadly virus, bedridden due to medical complications after coming in contact with the virus or the fear of untimely death.

What is Stress?

The dictionary meaning of ' STRESS' is worry and pressure that is caused by having too much to deal with. Medically stress is the psychological condition when our body gives undue attention to a certain situation in our lives. 

Stress and COVID19

Stress and COVID19 unfortunately can be said to be two sides of a same coin. As the world struggles for a solution for over a year now, COVID19 related fear and anxiety caused by various factors like wide scale reporting of deaths, wide scale circulation of images and videos of COVID deaths, fear related to untimely death due to lack of medicines or vaccines, social distancing, lockdown, dwindling economy, job loss, pay cuts etc. infact added up to the fact that people feel isolated and alone.

Stress and anxiety levels across the globe has boomed up with offices, industries or educational institutions closed due to the impact of the pandemic. With lack of exercise, physical activity, meeting friends and family, going out randomly on vacations and outings; life is centered around the Wi-Fi connection and the various gadgets which seemingly brought the world closer. Stress levels have reached new heights as people need to be glued to their laptops, tablets or mobile phones for several hours at a stretch making them literal couch potatoes. 

How do we manage stress? 

Though it may sound IMPOSSIBLE but remember the word itself says I M POSSIBLE. Yes, lets find ways to manage stress.

1) Wake up early in the morning. Go for a walk in the terrace, lawn, nearby park or just sit in your balcony and mediate for sometime. Practice Yoga, aerobics, Zumba etc.

2) Drink at least two-three glasses of water, sip your tea-coffee, energy drink really slow and relax your mind by thinking of the good times.

3) Play on some relaxing or soul soothing music. Abstain from listening sad songs or songs which would boggle your mind. 

4) Take a warm bath (since it is winters). Add a few drops of natural essence oil to the water and relax yourself. 

5) Eat a healthy breakfast, concentrate more on sprouts, fruits, juices, eggs, salads and multigrain fiber rich diet.

6) Turn on your laptops, computers five minute before the scheduled meeting, work time etc. Do not over exert yourself. Remember your body and mind too needs relaxation. Sit on a comfortable chair. 

7) If your job demands you to sit for long hours in front of your screens, ensure you put some green plants, photo frames, wind chimes near your desk and look at them often. 

8) Take small washroom breaks, munch on healthy goodies like nuts, salads, fruits and health drinks.

 9) Exercise quite often sitting at your desk. Move your legs, fold them, press your fingers, turn your neck on either sides, close your eyes for sometime. 

10) Play a game. Yes, research proved that playing Rubik's cube can infact increase productivity. 

11) Call your friends and family quite often, share your problems, hear their problems. Seek help if required.

12) Adopt a dog or cat. Cuddle them, play with them. They are major stress busters. Involve in some hobby.

13) Set a deadline for shutting all appliances. Avoid playing games, watching movies, binge watching after the set time. Record and keep matches and watch during your free time. 

14) Sleep on time. Get yourself a comfortable bed and accessories. If you are insomniac light a scented candle or an aroma diffuser. You will be relaxed. 

15) Wash you linen quite often, clean your house regularly. Clean clothes and a good smelling house is said to boost the happiness quotient. 

Remember all our feelings be it of stress, anxiety or depression are all the end results of numerous chemical reactions building up in our body and we can overcome these by following the 15 set goals as the happiness hormones like endorphin, dopamine and serotonin are released and it helps in regulating our mood and makes us happy and sociable.

Till COVID19 pandemic finally has a solution, stay healthy, stay happy. Always remember at the end of darkness, there is light waiting ahead for us!!


  1. Very good post about the tips to manage Covid 19. Highly informative and nicely written. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Cedric that you liked the article. Would need all your support always.

  2. Combating stress can be a doozy. I'm glad to see people like yourself out here passing along tips to keep the stress at bay. I find that adding structure and meditation to the day really helps, while speaking positively over yourself can totally change your mood!

  3. Thanks for sharing this with us, it's useful.

  4. Very nice post.
    Very well written with good content..
    Keep the good work

  5. Very nice and informative article ,I really appreciate your work.

  6. Very relevant write-up which covers all the vital points.

    1. Thank you so much Ma'am. Do keep reading and give suggestions for improvement.


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