
"Bring them out or else we will be forced to break the door" shouted Sub- Inspector Anand to Sukhram; Mukesh's father. 

To tell you briefly what happened two days back - Mukesh got married. Well not exactly the way he wanted, he brought Nisha  with him after a simple marriage ceremony. Nothing was amiss if we look at the vital statistics: both were of marriageable age, families had the consent for marriage, boy had a handsome salary even though he wasn't handsome at all, the girl was beautiful, homely and sanskari (cultured). On top of that the bride's father Banwari Lal already paid fifteen lakhs as dahej (dowry) to the groom's family. The remaining five lakhs would be paid during the marriage ceremony. But why did the police appear at the gates?

Mukesh's marriage was on the cards with Nisha. The marriage was an arranged one and fixed by both the families in the month of April; 17th April, 2020 (Friday) to be specific. But it didn't take place due to curfew and the sudden lockdown. Mukesh wanted the remaining five lakhs, so he devised a plan, he called his to be father-in-law Bansuri Mohan and they decided that Mukesh would take the money and Nisha with him. 

Sukhram and Mukesh was bewildered and started wondering as to how the police got the information of the marriage. That Mukesh married Nisha secretly and brought her home two days back was a family secret as there was no fanfare nor any band-baaja, baraat but only the bride brought home secretly. 

Standing behind the curtains of the half-closed window Mukesh saw his father Sukhram trying to bribe the police. wasn't working this time. 

Putting on his soiled pyjamas and wearing his creased kurta Mukesh slowly opened the creaking door but Nisha just held his hands tightly. She didn't want to leave him ever. She didn't want to return back to her parental house as she knew the difficult situation and the taunts she faced after their marriage was cancelled due to lockdown. She was indeed grateful that Mukesh found a solution to the crisis situation and the marriage finally took place. Mukesh consoled her by caressing her head and said everything would be fine. In between sobs of pain and fear Nisha let go of Mukesh.

As Mukesh went out with fear in his eyes, the police started throwing a volley of questions just like bullets from their age old revolvers. The what's, who's, if's and but's continued for some time. They interrogated as to how he managed to marry Nisha amidst the curfew and lockdown.

Mukesh shared how he rode an ambulance  and went to Nisha's village acting as a patient and brought his bride home all within a span of three hours. After all he didn't want to waste the precious time doing nothing. He believed that when all doors are closed, the door of courage is open. If the great epics showed how valour and love conquered everything, so could Corona be defeated.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for loving the story. Keep reading and motivating me to write more.

  2. Really impressive ma'am 👏👏👏

    1. Thank you Aditya. Keep reading and motivating me to write more.

  3. Thank you so much. Keep reading and motivating me to write more.


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