Happiness 'Modified'!

Even as I allow my thoughts to wander deep into the blue skies with the white clouds or into the deep seas with corals, I just pondered over a subject which is of gross interest in every person's life, yes 'Happiness'. Can you define happiness?? What according to you is the true meaning of happiness???

Can anyone of you out there tell me what makes you happy? Isn't happiness just another everyday occurance in your life? Can't we be happy all the time? After all it's our mind which decides on what the real definition of happiness is and believe me it differs from person to person.

For some of you happiness might be having a lavish lifestyle, for me it might be spending some time with the person you love. A few might find innate happiness in  getting expensive gifts all the time; for some it could be just the feeling of holding someone's hand and sitting on the beach or riverside which could be the cause of happiness.

Well does happiness has anything to do with wealth?? To a certain extent 'yes' for people who are materialistic; but for people who love spending time with the specially-abled children or the aged grandparents happiness is just seeing them smile.

Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion but I would like to simply differ as I feel that 'Happiness is an emotion', had it not been an emotion, the feeling of joy, ecstasy and laughter wouldn't have been part of it.

Research has proved that people who live a simple life are more happy than the ones who lead a complex one. But till date none of the mortals could define this, it's just a feeling and until we have control on our feeling's we can never understand what makes us happy.

With time however, I guess the word, 'Happiness' has been 'Modified' according to each person's mood, characteristics, nature etc. Let us however be Happy by understanding what makes us happy!!!


  1. Carry on with you good work. Loved it.

    1. Thank you so much for your inspiring words.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your kind words. Do keep reading.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for your kind words. Do keep reading.

  4. Keep up the good work girl...

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Do keep reading.

  5. Nicely explained the happiness however it is tough to define because it vary from person to person.

    1. Thank you for your valuable words. Do keep reading.

  6. Keep up the good work Ma'am.


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