Changing Times

As my alarm ring each morning
I jump out of my bed
Only to realise I am still sleepy eyed
 And still yawning
I shut the alarm
And sleep back again 
It's the new normal 
Everyday is a Sunday. 
I like this new normal
I have the privilege
To wake up late
And walk to the gate
I don't have to embark on a journey
Of sixty miles from one end the other.
I wake up late, to have a relaxed morning
With a cup of coffee, I open my lappie
I check my mail, play with my doggie
Then relax and relax
Water my plants, prepare a breakfast
Sit in my cozy, comfortable corner
Meetings are via Zoom or Cisco
I log in and snore off 
Or forage the refrigerator for delicacies
My doggie comes and licks my face
I get him his collar and leash
We take the lift and go for a feast
Me and my doggie in the lawn
Oh, I never knew life could be so fun
So, what if it's COVID time
We can still have our share of fun

Life was not so easy in the past
Morning seven I always had a blast
Cleaning, eating, rushing 
Oh, life was such a mess
And room was in clutter
No time for my doggie either
My back strained on the desk 
And pained on the seat
I returned home to empty fridge
And life was always on the ridge
My plants cried for attention
But I had no time for dedication
Sunday's were super-hectic
Cleaning, stocking and meeting
Life was a complete mess
It was so full of stress
I wanted some rest
But had no time for test
I like my Sunday's now, Yes!
Seven months on 
I am organized
Sensitive, caring
I have changed 
No longer the unkempt, shabby fellow
I have changed to be a hero!
I like my life now, it's the new normal
I love the work from home, 
I like everything from home.
I like the new normal
I love to be at home!!


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