Liar's Truth or Truth about Liars !!


Should it be truth about liars or Liar's truth you decide...

'Liar's Truth'- well that might sound a bit unfamiliar and you must be having 101 questions on your mind on how could liars tell the truth? Well don't worry, I am here with you to solve the oxymoron.

'Liar's' I have met many of them in my life. You must be guessing how I got to know that they are lying? Well, I think I have mastered the art of catching liars red-handed and tactfully, however, I would not like to share how I find out who is lying or not.

Liar's always come with a superiority complex as they feel people won't be able to understand that they are lying and believe me they don't even wink the eye and lie you about things in a straight faceted manner that you often feel embarrassed to counter-attack. But I am not a person who takes things lying down and digest all those lies from people I know.

I have an interesting incident to share. It was year 2006 and time for Assembly elections in Assam, I had till they only cast votes once, so with bated breath I was following the campaigning and waiting for the election dates to approach as I would leave for home to cast my ballots.

So, I still remember, that we were freshers then and hence one Sunday the whole class decided that we would take a tour of the historical town.  Armed with cameras, water bottles, umbrellas, bandana's, sunglasses, hats all nineteen of us set out on tour-de-mission (as if we were going on a picnic party in 'August summer'). While walking down the road as we were in a group we were talking about elections, 'most of my classmates had least interest in politics' sans 'JD' with whom I had several debates over politics. when suddenly one of my classmates in University once told me that she voted five times, I was shocked because as per my calculations, a person (Indian) can only vote after he/she attains eighteen years of age and we were all in our early 20s. So, how could she vote five times when I voted only once??

Well, as I said I am not a person who would digest lies without masticating it, and lo, I asked her the question she never expected. She got red with anger or shame got knows what, but she coolly told me she voted while she was in Gujarat where her Papa was posted at that time. I countered and asked her after sometime in which class was she when her Papa got transferred to Guwahati?? She by then must have forgotten the whole episode but I didn't as I wanted to catch the liar and ensure that she never lied again. My classmate told me that she was in Class Six when her Papa got transferred to Assam, so now according to my calculations she must be eighteen when she was in Class Six when she voted or else she was just lying which was infact the case. Some of my classmates (I prefer not to call them friends as they were mere competitors) who were witness to the whole episode somehow kept mum on the whole issue. But whatever, I proved them that Yes, there was a big liar in the whole group and we people need to be aware as liars are back-stabbers as well.

Since that day, that classmate of mine always thought be as her rival, well who cares, I know she is a liar and I hate liars. But as I said Liar's often tell the truth unknowingly, what is needs is just minute observation and listening skills.

So, friends gear up and get hold of all the Liar's in 'Liar's Truth'.


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