The Decision

Mrs Naina Agarwal was strolling outside in the green lawn of her palatial bunglow looking at the beautiful flowers, butterflies and bees buzzing around. Each of these flowering plants have been nurtured by her with much love and care and now these were her only company. 

Mrs Agarwal virtually celebrated her 68th birthday with her son's and their families wishing her over Skype. It's been two years since she met them physically. The last time they came to India was for the final rites of her husband. 

Mrs Agarwal sat on the garden swing and kept on looking at the beautiful house which she and her husband built brick by brick with the hope of leading the retirement life happily in the company of their children and grandchildren. Instantly her mind was flooded with thoughts of the past and present and uncertainty of the future. 

Each and every word of assurance given to her by her near and dear ones were fake. First her husband left her untimely, though he promised to be beside her through thick and thin. After the completion of her husband's final rites and prior to leaving India her elder son Amit reassured her, "Mom, we shall soon take you to the States." The younger one Sonit said, "Mom, you finish off all the paper work related to Dad's pension and then I shall send you the tickets." 

It's been two years that neither of her son's cared to visit her or send tickets for her to visit them. She remembered how last week a day after her online birthday celebrations both her son's brought to the fore the idea of selling the house. She was stunned and cut the video call over Skype. She remembered the manner in which Amit cropped up the idea, "Mom, our house in Houston is quite big, you can shift with us permanently." After a pause he added, "I and Sonit decided to sell our paternal house in Jaipur and equally divide the money." Sonit joined, " Yes, Mom we both decided to sell our house, we are in touch with some of the builders and developers, you just keep the papers ready." He added, "We can also sell off the furniture and car in OLX." "You won't have to take any tension about anything."

Mrs Naina Agarwal was stunned at the audacity of her son's, she just couldn't believe her eyes and ears. She was still alive and yet they were planning to sell the house, furniture and car. Mrs. Agarwal's eyes were loaded with tears, she wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out loud. She wiped off her tears with her wet pallu and took the decision. 

She dialled a number, "Hello Advocate Bisht, could you meet me in the afternoon." Finally, the final decision was taken. 


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