The great Indian Circus- Election

Over the past few weeks, innumerable thoughts crossed my mind. I thought well let me halt them for the time being. I wanted to pen them as I was pained looking at the degradation of the Indian values to an all time low, from seasoned politicians, wannabe politicians to journalists, everyone wanted to taste the 'politics ka ladoo'. 

The heat was building up; fans, supporters were voicing their dissent or consent on what was shared, tweeted, addressed, delivered and battles were ranging not only in the political fronts but at the comforts of the drawing rooms, cubicles of the office, newsrooms, social media, roadside corners and where not name some more.Yes, the greatest Indian Circus of all times was here with hoardes of jokers entertaining the masses who knew all the gimmicks up the sleeves of the entertainers but still participated for the one thing HOPE. 

 You, may think I am insulting an institution which gives us the rights to be called the citizens of the country. Infact, it's not, it pains me, it makes my heart bleed to imagine what we would be doing just for the sake of inking our indexes. As citizens of one of powerful nations of the world, does the ballot reflect what the educated masses actually want? Who should we invest in- the candidate or the party? Questions loom large, answers are lacking, infact missing. Who is answerable, the masses or the to be elected? Can we ever have a proper system in place? Will mudslinging, fundamentalism, cheap talks ever end? Does something called morality still in place? Public money and time wasted on campaigns will it ever come back? Aren't you aware that your schemes don't and will never reach us ever as neither do I belong to the underprivileged section or the elite for whom evading taxes are easier. I am the Indian middle class for whom nothing touches except for the Indelible ink!!

Did you ever feel that you put the cheapest form of tactics in place to engage with the masses from broken legs to calling names, plucking tea leaves, eating in a commoners house and comparing humans to animals. All was there, in good taste and in bad. Rallies were conducted, no masks, no social distancing absolutely nothing. Did you hear Corona was over? Well, for me not part of the elite, nor crossing the age bar, I feel risked at every step, how come they are so immuned and light? Would you again break out economy's spine by imposing another Lockdown, citing rise in COVID cases. 

I loved circuses when I was a kid, now that I am a decision maker, don't fool me with your shows. I know my rights, have my opinion and won't get bowed down to pressure ever. I won't buy the cheapest of your tickets to view the worst shows of its kind as I know my rights. 


  1. Very relevant write-up.👍👍

  2. What a great writer she is... I have become an ardent fan of hers..with lots of love and blessings

  3. It is absolutely true. Level of thinking of politicians have gone down to all time low.

    1. Indeed, it is a crisis in India that we elect leaders without much background check as our affiliations are more towards the party or parties. Do keep reading.


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