Behind those SMILES !!

Behind those smiles
I can see the PAIN
Long stretched, unyeilding
Loneliness writ over the face
Heartbreaks, personal losses
I don't know what it is! 
Somehow, I feel connected
Maybe because I had my shares too
I was miserable, alone
No shoulder to turn to
No hand to console
No one to share
Many sleepless nights 
Wet pillows in remembrance
Of my shattered dreams
Of hope, of love, of desires
Of broken hearts
I overcame everything ALONE
I won't let it happen again!
To anyone who is near and dear
To my friends and foes
I am there forever
The shoulder, the hand
The one who genuinely care
Remember me
Talk to me
I indeed Care
Your friend FOREVER!! 


  1. Excellent story of gentle human who cares everyone and no one cares him/ her.💐💐💐


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