
You worship her!!
You address her as MOTHER!!
She is Divinity for you!!

She is a MOTHER
She bore YOU!!
You grew in her womb
Her blood mingled in yours.

Why do you despise her then??
When she bleeds...
Is it wrong to bleed??
Why are you so indifferent?
Do you know how it feels to bleed?

Why is she not allowed to worship?
To mingle, to touch?
Is it wrong to bleed?
Isn't it blood after all?
The blood which bore you ..
The blood which nurtured you..

How can one blood be pious?
And other irreligious?
You cheer the birth of a child
The same blood you shun...
When she bleeds monthly.
Isn't it the same blood?
That bore YOU!!


  1. Truly heart touching poem. It is output of rediculous mind sets . Shows their greediness . Use people when they think them clean and worthy to them.



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