The Last Cry!

"Mom"," Mom Save us! " "It's burning, Mom, please save us."

'Aita', 'Aita' (bosua amak) Help us, Save us!!

Arunima went hysterical once again!! She was uncontrollable, she was screaming and crying. It's been over three months now. Avinash held her up and started caressing and cajoling her not to cry. Avinash's heart was breaking too but he decided he would remain strong, he wouldn't be shattered. He needs to remain strong for his lady love, Arumina and his mother. 

Arunima was sobbing. Over the past few weeks she had been mostly in a state of daze and bewilderment. She was under heavy doses of medication, being injected with anti- depressants and in taking sleeping tablets. Slowly, Avinash let his wife Arunima go off to sleep, he knew sleep evaded her. He switched off the light and looked around the house. 

Avinash sat on the recliner, in order to read the newspaper. As he turned the page, a particular news caught his attention. Immediately his mind raced to the string of incidents that followed one another and shattered his 'Happy Home.' 

His heart pained looking around, there was absolutely nothing left, except for memories. He looked around desperately searching for his sons, Aahan and Aditya. Oh! he looked at their garlanded photographs. No, it can't be true. But it was the hardest reality that Avinash had to face as a father. He was the one who lit the pyres of their sons one after another. Nothing was left except for moulds of burnt flesh and bones. Oh! How pathetic the scene was.

Tears welled up on his eyes as he remembered how both the kids used to jump on his lap when he returned from office every evening. Avinash used to cuddle and shower them with abundant kisses and hugs. That was the only time of the day when he felt relaxed and superbly happy. The trio then used to play monopoly, board games or even tennis in the lawn till dinner was served. 

Avinash remembered the day when the twins were born, how he held them both on his arms and clicked photographs. He was beaming with joy, the first taste of fatherhood it was for him. Each day became extra special for the family to see the cute twins growing up  They would have been six this birthday. How cruel fate has been to them! 

Yes, it been three months, the house literally haunts him, the cries and screams of their last moments together still follows him everywhere, he is unable to accept the truth that the twins died holding each other, perishing to the flames that ruined his hopes and dreams forever. 

Avinash screamed loudly, he too needs to cry and mourn. He began lamenting and howling in the dead of the night. That was his last cry! 


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