Gerontology- How happy are our elderly?

'The spring may be vibrant and endearing, autumn is all about fading out, solitude and loneliness.' - Sara 

Psychology as a whole deals with the study of the human mind and behaviour and it's several aspects. Focus these days is more on the study of the young in the form of child or adolescence psychology and dealing with the varying cause- effects. Ignored to a larger extent are the old and the mental aspects associated with ageing. 

The question that often encompasses my mind is, 'Are we caring for the old?' Are we nurturing them tenderly?' Mostly the answer would be a big 'NO'. A big shoutout to those career oriented, selfish individuals who have left their parents to fend off for themselves. It's time to look back and say, 'I Do!'

Well, I am forced to write this based on several observations over the past few months.

Snippet 1- The old lady (wrinkled, stooping, probably in her 70's) was at a shopping complex, struggling to buy the groceries. I ask her about her family. She shares daughter is in Australia and son at UAE- both married and well settled. Haven't visited India since 2020 due to COVID. Three years without visiting the mother who gave you birth and struggled hard to make you capable enough to live abroad. The eyes and the hands are longing to have the precious caress. I would say don't come to mourn when she is dead, you have no right to shed crocodile tears when your mother dies. She is already half-dead because of the bereavement you caused her due to your insensitive handling of her during the times when she requires you the most - her old age. 

Snippet 2- During my daily commute, I see an old lady, bespectacled probably 75 years or more. She sits outside her house come summer or winter, looks at every vehicle passing by with a lot of hope. She is a loner (I have never seen anyone with her, no friends or family), my heart is saddened looking at her plight. Maybe she needs someone to talk to her, give her company, shares stories and listen to her's. 

Haven't we become so mechanical to deprive our old of the time they require? Can we keep our phones, laptops aside, take a break from work and sit down and have deep long conversations with our ageing parents?  Can we share a good laughter, be patient with them during the years when they are once again a small child? Can we shower their lives with happiness? Gerontology is an equally important part of psychology. Love your parents and the elderly! Their happiness would be 'Your Happiness'


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