
Each day I look for you..
I wonder where you have been -
My eyes search for you frantically
From dawn to dusk 
And then again....
From dusk to dawn. 
The never ending cycle continues...
They say you would come soon
I wait at the threshold of my doorstep
My eyes brimming with Hope!
My skin waiting for your delicate touch..
The caress and the comfort of your company 
I love more than anything...
 I wait
It's been several weeks now
I search for you, with bated breath
Time and again 
You have sent a glimmer of Hope 
You evaded me..
Again and again!!
Dear Rain....
Please visit me
I wait for you with
Bated breath and HOPE!

*(It's been several week now that people are suffering due to extreme hot weather conditions and no rainfall)


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