
Who's mother she is I don't know!
Daily I see her....
Sometimes roaming aimlessly
Sometimes bathing her strained back in the Sun!
At times she reclines Herself on boundary walls of neighbours....
Unaware of the world passing by, she is in her own self.
Lost in her deep thoughts 
Sad or happy I don't know
I see her sometimes staring at my face
At other times sitting on someone's gateway...
Is it her gateway in her own way?
The doorway to her happiness or misery
I am still unaware ! 
I look at her daily in my sojourn 
And wonder why is she so devoid of company?
No friends, no neighbours to keep her company and listen to her cacophony...
I wonder, have we become too materialistic and mechanical?
Are we ignoring the old ?
Can we spare some time and give them company?
Let them be happy in the last few years!!
Can we spare some time for the elderly?
Can the blank eyes be replaced with happiness and hope? 
She may be somebody's Mother...
But let's be her friend
Let's hold her hand and spare some time
To listen to old tales ...which she wants to share but has no ears to hear.
Can we lend that ear??


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