
The fragrance of the lilies from the beautiful manicured garden of Ankita was soothing the wreaking nerves of Anjan. It had been an unusually busy week for him with erratic work hours, missed schedules, impromptu meetings and obviously sleepless, worrisome nights. 

Anjan reclined and just looked out of the balcony thinking, 'Who says money can't buy you happiness?' He recollected how he came to the city with just a pair of clothes and a thousand rupees with mighty dreams in his beaming eyes. 

It was a Sunday, a bright, beautiful day and Anjan decided to spend the day with his family. He turned his phone to the flight mode and came to the bed to cuddle his heartbeat, his son Veda who was sleeping peacefully unaware of the chaos the world outside was going through. 

Anjan looked at his son's face, smiled and felt contented. For him life was the most beautiful in the company of his son. The tiny fingers just clinging on to him, the expectant eyes longing for company and playtime, the unwavering ramblings of the unclear words each had an essence of the best feeling in the world, 'fatherhood'. 

Just then Ankita dropped by and announced, 'Breakfast is ready.' 'Wake up Veda, I will freshen him and get him ready for his drawing classes.' Anjan didn't want his son to join the mechanical cycle of life so early, but he was helpless. 

Anjan was reluctant this time, he started arguing, ' Cancel his classes today morning, I want to spend time with Veda.' Ankita who has been handing everything and managing the house single handedly got furious, she vented her irritation by screaming at Anjan saying, 'He just attends four drawing classes a month, let him go.'

Half heartedly he woke up his son and helped in brushing his teeth. After breakfast he dropped his son to the drawing school. Before leaving Veda said, 'Deuta (Dad) do you remember your promise to get me a box of crayons and Hershey's chocolates'. Anjan nodded his head and smiled. 

Anjan started his car and took the right turn towards the stationary store. The market was crowded as it was a Sunday morning he jostled for space and managed to park his car. After that he brought a box of chocolates and crayons for Veda and a bouquet of red roses and a kg of freshly cut tender mutton from the Departmental store. 

Anjan was happily moving towards his car, having accomplished his 'tasks' for the day. He remembered how Ankita loved fresh red roses and licked her fingers to the mutton curry prepared by him. He just let out a smile, imagining how he would defuse the anger of his irate wife. But was that what he was destined for? Just then there was a thunderous sound and before Anjan could recollect anything, he was lying in a pool of blood with hundred other bodies near him. The red roses now soaked with fresh blood glimmed in the afternoon sun. 


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