
They were sobbing..
Fear writ all over their faces
Clung on to her hands
They don't want to go back
Luxury they didn't want
The shelter was their solace 
They loved this place
There lived a demon and a demoness
Who ruined their childhood
They were merely four 
Yet life seemed dreadful!
Showpieces they were for the society
Care, love and affection were just exhibits

Their souls were wretched and miserable
They wanted to break free 
The shackles of bondage and terror
They cried their heart out...
Sometimes for hours ....
Scorching sun burning their tiny bodies
The hot iron burning their thighs
The piercing needles piercing their backs
One day life changed
Someone saw their plight
And decided to take the might
Fought for their right
And gave the tormentors tight
Social prestige down the drain 
They now rot in jail

But ...
The fear is still intact
The future as unpredictable as before
They have a home
Which isn't a home. 
They still feel it is a safe haven!
Atleast the infernos missing! 

(This poem is a tribute to two young children who had a troubled childhood as their adoptive doctor parents meted out inhuman torture on them, finally to land up in the prison)


  1. In the inferno of despair,Sharda Mam's pen illuminates the resilience of innocent souls,their harrowing journey echoed in every line,a testament to the power of poetic empathy.

    1. Thank you so much Roy for your understanding of the heart wrenching pain of these innocent souls.

  2. Sarada you did it and it's great


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