Proverb well written but denied completely in the present. Well as a parent many of you might question me as to what is the requirement for using a rod in the first instance at all. 

First hand experience suggests not always does Molly cuddling work, you at times require the rod to tighten those nuts out of place. Yes, as a teacher working for a reputed school I faced innumerable occasions where I felt that using the rod would have been the best option.

 Instances where a young child (much elder than the others of the batch) cut his hands to a game named Blue whale which was quite popular then and luring others to do the same. Despite several warnings the same continues, parents are summoned and they vehemently deny any such thing on the child's part right in front on the child. But strangely enough the cut with compass was done the previous day at home when the child was absent from school and was glued to the cellphone provided by the parents. Who is to be blamed for this- the school authorities, the parents or the child? 


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