
Just You!

You are far! Too far now..!! Don't know what it was..but Just the thought of YOU Leaves behind a Smile ... Creates a thousand ripples My heartbeat paces up.. Butterflies in my stomach.. An unending desire  Just to hold your hands Once.. And maybe give you a Hug.. And the Parting Kiss.. I know I am no longer a teenager To fall in love but... Can we stop falling in love? You never Knew.. Will never Know.. Because the Ripples remained intact Within Me...just like a sweet Dream  A beautiful Memory of your Smiles 😊


Sometimes... Sometimes it so happens That you admire someone The way they treat you! Care for you or  Maybe... But ...


The fragrance of the lilies from the beautiful manicured garden of Ankita was soothing the wreaking nerves of Anjan. It had been an unusually busy week for him with erratic work hours, missed schedules, impromptu meetings and obviously sleepless, worrisome nights.  Anjan reclined and just looked out of the balcony thinking, 'Who says money can't buy you happiness?' He recollected how he came to the city with just a pair of clothes and a thousand rupees with mighty dreams in his beaming eyes.  It was a Sunday, a bright, beautiful day and Anjan decided to spend the day with his family. He turned his phone to the flight mode and came to the bed to cuddle his heartbeat, his son Veda who was sleeping peacefully unaware of the chaos the world outside was going through.  Anjan looked at his son's face, smiled and felt contented. For him life was the most beautiful in the company of his son. The tiny fingers just clinging on to him, the expectant eyes longing for company and pl...


Cachophony of words... Deep thoughts!! Solitude... I am trying to write but... I am lost! What should I write? How should I write? Where should I begin from? The Past, the Present or the Future! Am I going through a 'Writers Block'?  Or that I have lost my senses to Emote! So many words, stories to jot But still I have no thought !  Cachophony!!

Silent Words

Words evade us! Thoughts happening  But ... Incomprehensible  May be that's what you think.. What you feel is mine too Only that I prefer 'Silence'!

Gerontology- How happy are our elderly?

' The spring may be vibrant and endearing, autumn is all about fading out, solitude and loneliness.' - Sara  Psychology as a whole deals with the study of the human mind and behaviour and it's several aspects. Focus these days is more on the study of the young in the form of child or adolescence psychology and dealing with the varying cause- effects. Ignored to a larger extent are the old and the mental aspects associated with ageing.  The question that often encompasses my mind is, 'Are we caring for the old?' Are we nurturing them tenderly?' Mostly the answer would be a big 'NO'. A big shoutout to those career oriented, selfish individuals who have left their parents to fend off for themselves. It's time to look back and say, ' I Do!' Well, I am forced to write this based on several observations over the past few months. Snippet 1- The old lady (wrinkled, stooping, probably in her 70's) was at a shopping complex, struggling to buy the g...


Each day I look for you.. I wonder where you have been - My eyes search for you frantically From dawn to dusk  And then again.... From dusk to dawn.  The never ending cycle continues... They say you would come soon I wait at the threshold of my doorstep Desperate.... My eyes brimming with Hope! My skin waiting for your delicate touch.. The caress and the comfort of your company  I love more than anything...  I wait It's been several weeks now But.... I search for you, with bated breath Time and again  You have sent a glimmer of Hope  But.... You evaded me.. Again and again!! Dear Rain.... Please visit me I wait for you with Bated breath and HOPE! *(It's been several week now that people are suffering due to extreme hot weather conditions and no rainfall)