

Bordoichila, Hey Bordoichila Can you hear me Bordoichila?  It's April already! When will you come?  Can't you see the despair Your mother is so sad As she wails and sends dust stroms  The bleeding heart weeps.. Day in and day out Awaiting your arrival The barren trees stand in vain Devoid of colours and in pain Not only your mother, even I am annoyed Do you know the dust on the tables  They require my attention daily Oh! When would you come to tame them? I know you love to come in a flush As if there is so much to rush What is the hush hush? Tell me with a quick blush.. I await your arrival As you are the reviver... A new beginning, new era Awaits your arrival Bordoichila, I am waiting. When are you coming?

Beckoning Spring!!

Here I come, she said with a smile I said,"Welcome, my dear Spring." She whispered, "Thank You!!" I am here to stay for sometime. I looked at her amazed... Wow! You are a real beauty. Her eyes twinkled as she walked There was music in her steps.. Soothing, peaceful music. Tunes which mesmerised me.  I was wonderstruck... How can one be so beautiful? Oh, I remembered... She was in her PRIME Astounded with BEAUTY The voluptuous HERSELF! As the mild breeze caressed She moved slowly Just like the tiny wild flower Swaying blissfully... The pearls adorning her hair Moved with her too... Indeed a pleasure to watch her Again, again and again... How could thy be so beautiful? I questioned myself Again and again Oh yes, I remember She is here to stay for sometime Maybe I will get my answers soon. She is here to stay She is SPRING-in her PRIME!!

The great Indian Circus- Election

Over the past few weeks, innumerable thoughts crossed my mind. I thought well let me halt them for the time being. I wanted to pen them as I was pained looking at the degradation of the Indian values to an all time low, from seasoned politicians, wannabe politicians to journalists, everyone wanted to taste the 'politics ka ladoo'.  The heat was building up; fans, supporters were voicing their dissent or consent on what was shared, tweeted, addressed, delivered and battles were ranging not only in the political fronts but at the comforts of the drawing rooms, cubicles of the office, newsrooms, social media, roadside corners and where not name some more.Yes, the greatest Indian Circus of all times was here with hoardes of jokers entertaining the masses who knew all the gimmicks up the sleeves of the entertainers but still participated for the one thing HOPE.   You, may think I am insulting an institution which gives us the rights to be called the citizens of the country. In...

IMPOSSIBLE to I aM Possible- a journey

The word 'Impossible' brings to forth a negative connotation in our minds. But have you ever thought that the word if broken down into parts connotes to 'I M POSSIBLE', Yes indeed nothing in this world is impossible, everything is possible if we know the ways to achieve the possibility.  Let me share a few cases of possibilities where the unachievable was conquered with sheer determination, dedication, hard work, patience, perseverance and of course strong will.  How many of us know that there was an autistic and dyslexic boy who went on to become a scientist of repute? Well here I am talking about the famous physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein didn't graduate, yet he discovered the photoelectric effect for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. He showed how possibilities could be realized if they have the potential to reject impossibility.  All of us must have read about Helen Keller, who despite losing her eyesight and ability to hear wrote several boo...

The Last Meeting!

  +91 98*** 7**00 +91 98*** 7**00 Once again Panchali looked at the number! She sighed, “This number was once so important to me.” A tear appeared in the corners of her kohl defined beautiful eyes. No, it’s impossible to forget! How could she when her dreams and realities were centered on the number only. Panchali once again looked passionately at the number. The pages of her pocket telephone directory have turned yellow with time.   A few pages have wiggled while some were free floating precariously; all set to fall down and float away. The crimson red rose turned brown and a few petals withered away from the peduncle.           A decade had passed; still that number could make her skip a heart-beat. Panchali turned the pages, yet her mind only centered on that number. She became disillusioned.   Unknowingly Panchali picked up her cellphone and dialed that number.   Even before she could remember anything, a girl picked up the...


Winter is that one season which we all look forward to enjoy the coziness and warmth of our homes, couches and beds. The time when mornings are spent watching the dew drops on the leaves sipping hot mugs of tea or coffee, basking our backs in the mild sun, reading a book of our interest, the winter breaks, the picnics, the events, festivities in the air with Christmas and New Year ushering in happiness and charm of a new beginning.  Come Winter the one concern that most of us have at the back of our minds is to look beautiful, glow and be healthy. However, there is a dampener of sorts to our Yuletide spirits as we have to deal with dry, rough skin. Image credit: Canva No worries, here are a few tried and tested tips which would ensure that you get that supple, fresh skin you always vied for. So let's get started. Pull the OIL Oil pulling is a tried and tested method recommended by Ayurveda for keeping our oral hygiene healthy and flushing out toxins from our body. You can oil pull ...


The unfathomable has happened! Though civilization has progressed to reach the Mars and Jupiter, yet a virus hardly seen with bare eyes being microscopic in nature is making the world dance to its tunes. COVID 19 or Corona has changed trajectories and has been the trouble maker in people's lives.  Stress is one of those troubles that people are undergoing these days, thanks to COVID 19. Though work or family related stress in one's life was always there yet there has been a new addition. Stress due to the build up of fear psychosis of being infected with the deadly virus, bedridden due to medical complications after coming in contact with the virus or the fear of untimely death. What is Stress? The dictionary meaning of ' STRESS' is worry and pressure that is caused by having too much to deal with. Medically stress is the psychological condition when our body gives undue attention to a certain situation in our lives.  Stress and COVID19 Stress and COVID19 unfortunately ...